
Submit your information



to all speakers and chairmans

The Organization thanks you for your participation in the program of the XIX Congress of the Iberian Cytometry Society taking place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of May 2025 at IPO Porto.

So that we can share reliable and authorized information about your curriculum vitae with all participants and interested parties, please fill out the following form.


resume submission form

Only .png or .jpg images will be accepted, 5Mb size max

Select your position(s) within the scope of the congress
Do you have social media and want to share it with others? *

Presentation Template

presentation template available for download

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. Please check if your question is in the frequently asked questions.

What is the official language of the congress?2024-09-19T09:14:26+00:00

The official languages of the congress are English, Portuguese and Spanish. However, all the abstracts and lectures must be submitted in English.

What is this form for?2024-07-05T07:23:41+00:00

This form will be used by the organization to use updated and reliable information on the website and in its dissemination of all speakers and those involved in the scientific program.

What are the deadlines for my presentation delivery?2024-07-05T08:35:54+00:00

Lectures must be sent by May 12th by email or another platform if necessary (Ex: Wetransfer) to:

I have already finished my presentation, what should I do?2024-07-05T08:36:20+00:00

If you have already finished your presentation for the course, you can send it by email or another platform if necessary (Ex: Wetransfer) to:

Lectures must be sent by May 12th.

Is there a template I can use?2024-07-05T07:29:02+00:00

Yes, here you can find the powerpoint template that you should use in your presentation.

Who is this form aimed at?2024-09-12T16:07:58+00:00

This form is intended for all those invited by the Organizing Committee to actively participate in the course, such as Speakers and Chairmans. The information provided will be used to make it available on the website and social networks in order to publicize the Congress, as well as to provide more detailed and reliable information to everyone who participates in it.

I am a chairman/speaker. Do I receive a certificate for my collaboration?2024-09-19T09:33:09+00:00


If I participate in the Congress programme, as a chairman or speaker, will I have to register for it?2024-09-19T09:33:40+00:00

No, as part of the scientific programme your registration is automatically done.

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