Abstracts Guidelines

Scientific works must correspond to the scope of the theme of the XIX Congress of the Iberian Cytometry Society

Abstracts Guidelines2024-09-23T14:52:47+00:00


Abstract submission terms and conditions SIC 2025

  • Abstracts should be submitted in English.
  • The abstract title and text may not contain trade names.
  • The abstract should not contain references to author’s affiliation or institution.
  • At the end of the abstract there should be a Statement of Conflict of Interest (or absence thereof) of all authors.
  • All communication with the authors will be done electronically (e-mail), so the e-mail address of the author responsible for the presentation must be communicated (any incorrect spelling will be the responsibility of the authors).
  • After submitting the abstract, you must receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, you must contacts us by email – eventos@lab52.pt.
  • The Congress Official Agency will inform the acceptance or refusal of the abstract via email, as well as the technical details for the presentation of the work.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to select the work and its form of presentation.

  • Authors of abstracts accepted only for publication are allowed to withdraw within one week of notification.

  • An international panel of experts will review the abstracts.

  • Before the abstract submission, the presenter author should do the registration in the congress.


Abstracts topics

  • Hematology
  • Immunology
  • Accreditation and management
  • Solid Tumors
  • Microbiology
  • Animal Sciences
  • Biotechnology and new applications
  • Others


Abstract guidelines

The abstracts should be informative, concise, containing: Title, Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion.

The author who will present the oral presentation should be identified at the appropriate place.

The entire document will be edited for the abstracts book by the congress agency with font, size and apropriated format. However, the following guidelines must be fulfil:

  • Each abstract should not exceed 4000 characters (including spaces and punctuation), excluding the title, authors and declaration of conflicts of interest.

  • Title:

  • Maximum length of the title: 20 words. Please make sure to type the title correctly.
  • Do NOT type the abstract title in capital letters.
  • The title should clearly define the topic. Do NOT identify your institution in the title.
  • Do NOT put a full stop after the title.
  • Body of the abstract: the text should be written and structured as indicated below.

  • Include 4 paragraph (Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion)

  • Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. Their revision will not be possible.
  • At the end of the abstract there should be a Statement of Conflict of Interest (or absence thereof) of all authors


Important dates

  • Abstract submission open January 6th 2025

  • Deadline abstract submission March 31st 2025 (23:59:59 – Lisbon time)

  • Notifications of acceptance of the abstracts and their type (oral communication, e-poster, publication only) will be made by April 15th 2025

  • Oral presentation: The best scoring abstracts submitted in this category will be selected for a presentation in one of the parallel sessions. The presentation consists of max. 10 minutes presentation. The presentations itself, must have the slides in english and the oral presentation can be made in the mother tongue.

  • The abstracts accepted for oral presentation must be sent by May 8th 2025
  • E-Poster exhibition: This option is for authors whose abstract has not been selected for oral presentation.


Online abstract submission system

Step 1.

Please register at the congress, here.

Step 2.

Carefully read all the instructions in this page.

Step 3.

Follow the instructions and submit you abstract here.

Step 4.

After having completed the submission process you will receive an automatically generated email to confirm that your abstract has been submitted successfully. Please check your spam folder if you have not received this confirmation. In this case, you must send us an email – eventos@lab52.pt


Abstract review, selection and publication

  • An international panel of experts will review the abstracts. Reviewers will give rankings from 0 to 2.5 points, taking into consideration the following 4 criteria:

  • Scientific quality

  • Originality
  • Interest in the topic
  • Applicability
  • After giving the rankings, reviewers will submit the recommended presentation type (oral or e-poster). Oral communications should be selected from the best evaluated abstracts.


General comments

  • Abstracts may be selected for:

  • Oral presentation
  • E-poster exhibition

  • Publication only

  • Rejection
  • Only the submitting author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral presentation, poster exhibition, publication only or a notice of rejection, by e-mail until April 15th, 2025.

  • Authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be informed about the type and date of the session and presentation guidelines will be provided.

  • E-Poster exhibition will not have oral presentation.

  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract book.

  • Withdrawal policy: If authors wish to withdraw their abstracts from presentation or publication they are requested to send a letter via e-mail to the congress agency (eventos@lab52.pt) until April 22nd, 2025. Consequently, the abstract will not be presented nor published.



Best Poster

1.000,00 €

Best Oral Communication

1.500,00 €

Presentation Template

presentation template available for download

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me, but see if your question is in the frequently asked questions.

What is the official language of the congress?2024-09-19T09:14:26+00:00

The official languages of the congress are English, Portuguese and Spanish. However, all the abstracts and lectures must be submitted in English.

Should anyone presenting oral communications be registered for the Congress?2024-07-05T08:17:05+00:00

At least one of the authors must be registered, using the form provided for this purpose and make payment using the registration methods provided.

Is it possible to submit the same abstract for more than one thematic area?2024-09-19T09:17:38+00:00

No. An abstract must be submitted under a single thematic line. In the submission process, the author must choose where their communication fits, within the following themes:

    • Hematology
    • Immunology
    • Accreditation and management
    • Solid Tumors
    • Microbiology
    • Animal Sciences
    • Biotechnology and new applications
    • Others
In which languages ​​can I submit abstracts for the Congress?2024-09-19T09:12:07+00:00


Is it necessary to register all authors for works carried out in co-authorship?2024-09-19T09:22:34+00:00

No. At least one author must be registered, the one that will be responsible for presenting the work during the Congress.

Are work presentation certificates issued?2024-07-05T08:42:45+00:00

Yes. All presentations will have a certificate indicating the name of the author or authors. Only one certificate will be issued per work.

Can my work be presented by someone else?2024-07-05T08:20:38+00:00

No. Only the authors of approved works will be able to present them.

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