Julia Almeida is Full Professor of Immunology at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and the current President of the Iberian Society for Cytometry. Her main lines of research (within the field of “Immunolgy and Cancer”) include: i) identification of altered protein expression profiles in leukemia cells that might be used for diagnosis, classification and MRD detection, ii) detailed dissection of the distinct compartments of immune cells, and their functional characterization, leading to iii) development of new tools for diagnosis and monitoring of hematological malignancies. She has published nearly 30 international scientific papers in the last 5 years (>65% Q1), with a mean IF of ~7, and registered 3 patents (2 of them licensed), and 160 international articles (H-index of 48 with >8,221 not-self citations). Prof. Almeida is a member of EuroFlow since its creation in 2006, where she is the responsible for the design and development of the T- and NK-cell CLPD panels